CDM/Principal Designer Role

Our Directors Brian Taggart and Alex Taggart currently carry out the role of Principal Designer under the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015 on a number of projects. Brian & Alex are ideally placed to carry out this role as both have the following key competencies:-
Experience of CDM having carried out the CDMC/Planning Supervision Role for over 15 years;
Architectural/Design backgrounds (both having worked in private Architectural practice for 10 years); Safety Professionals (IOSH Membership); Formal Health & Safety Qualifications (MSc, Diploma in H&S Management)
We recognise the importance of providing the right individuals for each project so that our skills, knowledge and experience are matched to the complexities and nature of the design and construction works.  Consequently our Clients can comply with their duties to appoint suitable Principal Designers. Our team are currently carrying out the Principal Designer role for the following Clients:-

  • Land Securities
  • WH Malcolm
  • Scotrail
  • Grosvenor CEREP S.A.R.L
  • Toscaig Properties